
Nothing Else Matters Prologue

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Dear Diary,

Im writing this as if you some mech found this after the war. My name is Blitz. I really don't know what to say  Gosh, I am starting to sound like my Ada. Anyway, my Ada is Bluestreak. He is magnificent and tranquil. I have heard rumors amoung passing troops that no one ever wanted to be on his bad side. He was know for being the best snipper in the galaxy. But that is something I've yet to see. Ada is in a trine with two impresive mechs, Suntreaker and Sideswipe. I have a ravishing younger  sister named Starfire. When my genitors told me that she was going to be a femme, I suggested to them she should be pink and to my amazement she Her paint was a hot pink with pale blue and some slight black accents. Her paint use to be so bold and vibrant but with time it started to fade. I hope to find someone to who can make her vibrant once more.

We have stayed in communities here, traveling as we need to. Along the way, we stopped to restock, living amongst others. I have found a number of mechs and femmes that had no problem teaching me anything if not everything they knew. Some were even gracious enough to pass down equipment and/or books to help me. I can't say that I know enough to be considered a specialist. I know enough to help my family, friends, and community, maybe even save a life. One day I would love to train under someone like the Ratchet my genitors spoke so highly of and become a great medic like him.

In one of the first communities we stopped in, I met an alluring and compelling mech. I was in training with the local medic when he entered the room. He was severly beat up and wore many open wounds. The doctor left my training to aid him as I silently watched. I didn't know, but that he would change my life forever......

"Blitz, are you ready to leave?" Bluestreak called from the backroom of the snug ship. "This may be the last community for a while."

"Give me nano-klik," Blitz called back.

Grabbing his few things, he looked, counting his belongings so none would be left. The most cherished items were sealed in a tiny, secure box in the bottom.

"Yes Ada. I am ready," he called back returning to his wrighting area on the ship. Slipping out his datapad he began to write...

He had a rave like, blue paint scheme and held himself like a Prime. After i assested  in his repaired, I never dreamed to see him again in my life. But with each community we stopped at, we seemed to meet and grow closer and closer. Finding out he was my genitors age made me decide not to tell my genitors about him. I will write more about him when I get the chance. Oh, his name is Blurr.


Turning off the datapad, he hid it in the ship his genitors were traveling in.

: Blurr, are you near?: Blitz commed, listening to the silence wishing for a responce. :If you can hear me, we are leaving the colony and headed out again.:

He knew he shouldn't hope for miracles, but he could try. Offlining his optics, he prepared himself for the long trip ahead of him.

Hey guys. I am really going out on a limb here. This story is something I keep working on. It will end up being this story and a side story that goes along with it. The diary entries will be mainly in the other part, but I really wanted to open with a little details. They will all be like this (italic) . Comm links are :like this: . Then bond links will be bold. Ada is the carrier, Atar is the father figure(s). Ummm... Anything else, just feel free to ask.

Nano-klik = 1 sec.

Beta: ~Vos Die Scheiße Kopf (:iconfandomfr3ak:)

Next Chapter: nomusicequalsnolife.deviantart…

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